Chartered Clinical Psychologist, registered with the Health Care Professions Council and the British Psychological Society.
I have worked with people with a variety of mental health problems in the NHS since 2010. I have five years experience working in a leading specialist eating disorder service in London, and currently work as a principal psychologist in a general adult psychology service.
I specialise in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Cognitive Analytic Therapy for...
Eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder
Low self-esteem and persistent self-criticism
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2014
Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Practitioner Diploma, ACAT, 2020
Psychology BSc, University of Exeter, 2009
Chartered Clinical Psychologist, British Psychological Society, Membership no. 518966
Registered practitioner psychologist, Health Care Professions Council, Reg no. PYL31502
Member of the Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy